Mahavir Jayanti 2010 Astrology

Mahavir, the last Tirthankara of Jainism, was born  on the 13th day of the rising moon of Chaitra (falls on 27th March in 2010). The birth year is 599 BC  as per Digambar Jains and 615 BC as per Swetambara  Jains. His arrival was preceded by a series of auspicious dreams to mother Trisala. Astrologers by dream interpretation suggested that Mahavir would be an emperor or a Teerthankar.

Pilgrims from all parts of the country visit the ancient Jain Temples at pawapuri, Kundalpur and Parsvanath on this day.

Find your future predictions during Mahavir Jayanti at Please download Vedic Panchanga by Soorya-Sddhanta for the full year ( in English, Devanagari Hindi, Tamil, Telugu or  Kannada)  for free by visiting and then from from the group page Ugadi Gudi Padva 2010 Vikram Samvat 2067 Vikruti Samvatsaram document section. There are many free astrological tools and horoscopes at which help analyze your own individual horoscope on a daily basis .

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