Venture Capital Decisions – Astrology Portfolio: Part-II

In Part-I, we recommended that all venture capital application submission should require submission of an astrological portfolio along with other required documents for evaluation. In addition, we suggested that the first item of this astrological portfolio should be the horoscopes of the senior management.

Here we discuss the second required item of astrological portfolio in order of importance. This item is the time and place info (as accurately as possible) when the venture is undertaken first time. Any additional information about the timing of associated concept formations as well as timing of relevant patent applications should be noted. The horoscopes cast on the basis of these timings using Vedic Astrology will provide an in depth understanding of the potential of these new ideas, patents and the venture. In addition, the dasa timing combined with transits will provide an insight into the project growth and success timeline.

We at DecisionCare have an astrological portfolio format available (by email using our contact form) for venture capital investment application for those who will like to start using them. In our upcoming blog, we will discuss the other important requirements of this portfolio using indian astrology.

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